Sunday, February 20, 2011

What Can I Use For Filling For Cake


someone nostalgic for the "spirituality" and the then tube times, some of Moldova on cartoons and movies.
And for us it was time, brought on unprotected construction ARSON AND EXPLOSION OF BLOOD intestine:

As then we sidekick, a class of 7, hit hard on his head chemist (very attracted to him, this science, more classes with the second), have made a real bomb from the transformer izolyatora.Takaya ceramic tube 40mm in diameter and 150 mm long. Background was as follows. Spine, invited me to his supposedly de show what an explosive huetu he invented the other day. Showed me a paper coffin full of magnesium, titanium powder, and even what some unknown poebenyu. Said checking on the street behind the house, burns and slaps bitching.
Come uebem. I am saying is there now a pale, Uncle Vasya weeding their flower beds, come out in the outhouse you pizdanem? Shit question - come on. Go him to the toilet. as they walked down the hallway, he did what it was shaking in his hands, from which this hueta extremely high and nicely flamed. In a panic, he throws the torch in tolchek and washes it. After 40 seconds that it ebnulo floor below (in the apartment my uncle washi). Since everyone knows that such a heresy, we can come up only with the spine we were alternately opizdyuleny Uncle Vasya, then his wife, then my parents, they lived on the same floor with the spine, and then in the evening parents root him still poured on the nuts. It was painful, but compared to the torch, it was nothing. A week later, when the red band with assholes went down, I gave him an idea what to do more real "vesch" and blow them away from home to Ass was not sick afterwards, he received an affirmative-YES!.
case was true. He had a neighbor in the apartment, what is a traveler and he constantly syabyval somewhere, then one year it happened in half a year or more. In general, we have opened his apartment and found there neebicheskie stocks gray powder. Mix the powder with this nitrate was added to the bearing balls and some other stuff that himeskoy. I washed down the contour of the insulator notch needle files. Drugan prepared a proportional part of the shit, we all deal sealed with brass caps from the same facility, one zaebeniv, preliminary hole and pushed into her long lasting wick, which he also bungled from what is garbage and popizdovali the vacant lot behind the school. Dug a hole, put it this Pribluda, so that the top was one of the wick, and lit by a rapid sebali away. A few minutes later ebanulo so that the bouncer all the windows in the school from the wasteland. Ran together probably the whole neighborhood. Kipish was unreal. It is even dominated by wasteland crawling, sniffing out the remnants of an explosive device. Then a long question all residents of nearby houses that they had seen or heard. As it turned out, we've seen in general all, but not passed, but passed us by our parents. Such neillyuzornyh pizdyuley my ass is not experienced ever before. My ancestors have agreed with the ancestors of the spine, so we do not overlap with it ever again, but after a couple of weeks, we again have hung out together and invent a new garbage. Here such here kulstori.

Taken from this nostalgia thread . Trades in the evening die, so enjoy.

stole carbide and climbed on the 10 floor skyscraper under construction. There have arranged sodomy in the form of carbide, and plastic bottles from the phantom. Bottles were about 50, all filled with water and tighten the lid thrown into a room on the floor. Who does not know - butalka slowly acquires a round shape and huyarit with ebicheskoy force zabryzgivaya all around hot feces.
When we first ebanulo prihueli - the sound echoes repeatedly reinforced put ebnul so that we have laid ears. And then we remembered that We made them Doha and now will begin fucking. With a cry - Dumps OTSEDOVA we raced down the stairs. Bottom waiting for us fucked up in the form of protection, which is heard suspicious activity on the upper floors. We got it on the mat is approaching us from the first floor. On the third floor, we looked out the window and see sdorovuyu heap of sand. I first jumped back, almost crap. All the others were jumping on me. One gja landing broke his arm, but still it caught - all survived. Upstairs, meanwhile nachalssya shelling - huyarilo so that people passing by in horror sebyvali away.
We did not wait end and left the war zone.


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