Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pinnacle Xbox 360 Oblivion

Once again on the 23-m

Yesterday I was waiting for tons of hate about the holiday on the right side. Well, there - the Jewish holidays, ololo Bolsheviks all that. But this inadequacy, I saw here :
«February 23 and March 8 are sorrowful, tragic day for all Russian people." "That's 23 February, to the "old" style, March 8, the "new" style, started so-called "February coup, which led to the terrible Fall Russian people, the betrayal of Emperor Nicholas II. Under the false pretense of disruptions bread (bread in Petrograd was at this time is enough, no Hunger was not, was not even a significant dietary restrictions for St. Petersburg), rioters filled the streets of the capital and began to loot food stores and began to kill police officers and the Russian Army. It was March 8 to the "old" style of the Emperor was illegally arrested in Mogilev General Headquarters Supreme Commander of the traitors, led by Chief of Staff, Supreme Commander, General - Adjutant Alexeyev, MV and came to rely on the front of representatives of the so-called "interim government" - government conspirators and rioters. "

Reaction Anal clown:
Success, Basil!
On November 7 (October 25) we have finished fairly smoothly - God willing and the other with the Bolshevik tradition razrulim questions. Fully support! I went to work.

I've got some idea appeared - the same day airborne Bolsheviks in 1930, came up with. It should be in August, to come to the Park Bitter and explain buhoy Landing Forces, that is a false holiday, and the present day airborne celebrated on 25 July, on that day (in аднатыщщашиссоттридцатьвтором year), Drunk dyakon Porphyry naebnulsya its 200-pound carcass from the tower to the enemy army, which horrified sebalos. Comments VDVshnikov taken to incredible.


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