Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Long Does Weed Stay In Your System

Orthodox space. Part 2.

We now have most of the astronauts - the Orthodox. Several couples in our group were married.
Before every flight the astronauts are sent to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra to venerate the relics of St. Sergius and talk to the vicar Archbishop Feognost. And on Baykanure, before putting on the suit, receive a blessing priest.

- In the temple of Star City have been in outer space icons and reliquary, such anywhere in the world not - boasted Yuri Lonchakov.

A rector of the church in the Star Superior Job even admitted that he had found in the archives of Yuri Gagarin's speech at the plenum of the Central Committee of Komsomol, where 's first astronaut was outraged destruction of the temple Christ the Savior in Moscow and Arc de Triomphe.

pier, without patriotism, not educate. The arch was restored in 1968. Gagarin, probably did not know that at one time Moscow Metropolitan Filaret (Drozdov) refused to Nicholas I in the consecration of the Arc de Triomphe, as it was adorned with pagan symbols.

Sergei Korolev, according to Abbot Job, and does have her confessor and sacrificed more churches at the time the money - 5000 rubles. But did it secretly. All this was a pleasant surprise one of the organizers of the meeting, the executive secretary of the World Russian People's Council Oleg Yefimov.

came in and discussion about flying to Mars. Now comes even after the experiment - at the gym and spend a similar mission. Senior Researcher, Institute for Space Studies, Associate Professor MIPT Alexander Rodin explained to whom and why it should be:

- Exploring other planets shows that they are unfit for human life. Apple trees on Mars will not bloom. This, incidentally, confirms the divine nature of earth and life on earth - a paradise alone.

Gagarin was born through Three years after the destruction of the temple. Also, I heard a version where Gagarin secretly (!) Carried in the rocket icon and prayed the whole flight. Although I had to first study the main engineer, who in the 61 th served in the Signal Corps. And there they all crowd caught Gagarin broadcast to ground stations. My question that Gagarin spoke in the most difficult times (it was a moment of descent), he replied: "Oral and matter terribly, overlaid huyami all, including the Queen). Such are the prayers, lol

PS This Article of Komsomol . And for Bike A nur them should be ashamed.


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