Monday, February 21, 2011

Any One Withocular Herpes

Myself dentist

one root tooth broke up with me yet in 19 years, after a not particularly successful skirmishes and flown in schschisvertushki strike. Polzuba flew to huyam, I turned berserker mode and ushatal goat. But the tooth was sorry, but I'm afraid of dentists before usrachki.
And recently the remains of tooth crumbled, leaving behind a maaaalenky this piece, but a bitch sharpened. And this piece began to troll my tongue, and rubbing his koryabaya per night. Agonized for several days, but eventually he gave me so get in a jam, that today I decided to dismantle it. Koryabal his fingers, spit in the hands of pliers, and even thought to get the file. Then determined went into the kitchen and vebal 100 grams. He sat for 20 minutes and went vebal still sotochku.
After half an hour's time x - I went to the bathroom, opened the front of the mirror breadslicer and took a small nail clippers. This fag does not get it could, why vzbugurtil wildly and fiercely, frantically began to shake his finger. Straight was shaking anger and huyaril him that is urine. Krovischa flowed out of the mouth and finally from light crunch, this sharp scum left in the sink. Rinse mouth with soda solution, took Pentalgin and disinfecting flooded another 100 grams.
Epic Wines!


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