Sunday, July 24, 2005

Dometic Microwave Installation

I'm going to Polska ...

As the title suggests, I'm going to Poland. For a week. Tuesday night we go.
Whether I am? Najoooh, I see the latest on me with mixed rightful event Feelings. On the one hand, I experience something different times ... the other is not yet clear how and where we sleep. Najaah, the intermediate station is definitely the home of irgendso'nem uncle (which is actually my uncle? Oo) but ... I'm not with my niece wants to be stuffed into a room. The snores worse than ääähh ... ... I will not name names. * Halo *
I speak from experience ever (KA when it was) wanted it that I spent the night with her. I have thought nothing of it until I fall asleep because of their chainsaw-like noises and woke up barely able to headache. Am then home again eingepennt. Okay, I write here sometimes my will ...
Scherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrz. I will die of it not, that's clear to me. But what could happen to like. as permanent head humming But I could even console themselves with the fact that clothes in Poland, etc. are ten times cheaper than here. Yes, I make to normal length, I enjoy shopping - if I find what I like. > _>

up in a week!

Sunday, July 3, 2005

Modern Dance Costume Ideas


... well, was the good or was good? XD That was bad, I know, but 's other title does not fall to me. I mean, I wrote a long time nothing more here and my HP dusty also at the moment? (Anyway 'ne overhaul had before. I also write at the moment Chapter 4 of the new FF9 G2, and me not falling for the last 25% of it that I have to write.)

have I also once again a free Manga Power for Kehr (best Neuwieder bookshop at all, leads Manga!) get. (This the first time that it happened, you could read in my profile for MP, yadda yadda I'm too lazy lately for my poor little LJ:.. () Yes, I know that is no longer produced but. the cashier has the well-reserved for special purposes or something.? _? (A pity, Banzai is currently damn boring become. What the hell, I started to read Get Backers is awesome. :)) Was there has got so lonely out in a compartment in the desk until the vendor her. * Lol * I actually believe it themselves.

What is school going? Well, now are project days, allegedly "strong European". Although it last, penultimate and antepenultimate years was none. Why suddenly, then? Around the motto "Hach, it's soooooo great if the children (note v. Sto-chan:! So please) learn something about Europe, we do erweiterrrrrrrrrrrn their horizons!"
... What
horizon? > _>
What does that work? Actually, I
have no desire to to work some project, but no, it is mandatory for grades 5-11. (Heeeeeeeeey, actually I should be in the 12 Scherrrrrz .... I am unfortunately only in the 8 because I started school later. Thank God I'm not the only one in which the case was.) Ultimately, I have yet register with something that has nothing to do with Europe as funny: The renovation of the KB-space. (Aka: Lounge for non-disabled students with physical disabilities can also go there..) In any case
better than teaching.